152 matches found for category 'Personal Story'
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9m 43s
Bishop Robert Barron talks about one of the greatest catholic philosphers in the world, Rene Girard.
8m 18s
Fr. Frank Portelli, a newly ordained priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto, talks about his vocations story. For more information visit www.archtoronto.org
Nathaniel Hurd didn't believe in God as a young man, but it wasn't necessarily because he was hostile to faith; he just didn't take the idea seriously.
1m 57s
Dr Peter Kwasniewski is a Catholic writer and composer of sacred music. He is a senior fellow of the St Paul Center in Steubenville, Ohio, and was formerly on the faculty of Wyoming Catholic College.
"I remember, even as a ten year old girl when I came to Malta for the first time, I was totally struck by the beauty of the churches" - Madeleine Carrington "Although the churches are beautiful, we need to have faith and trust that...
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss the Catholic priesthood.
58m 45s
Neely and Van Maren discuss her decade-long dive into the world of pornography and her eventual escape from it in this explicit but revealing conversation about the evils of the porn industry.
2m 20s
Jesus said yes to the Father's plan to lay down his life for us, even though he could see everything he was about to go through.
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss the challenges of being a priest today.
33m 17s
Sr. Maria de Guadalupe left Syria and now goes back as an ambassadress of Faith. This missionary, who has spoken so much about the persecuted Christians' situation, shares her experience of the mission and communion in Faith.
The Priest's hands are anointed to heal humanity - a fragile humanity in need of Christ's loving touch! Special thanks to Fr. Alan Joseph Adami for this interview! Music: hooksounds.com 2018 All Rights Reserved True Light Catholic Med...
15m 20s
Br. Juan Carlos Vazquez, LC tells the story of his dad's miracle through the intercession of Blessed John Paul II.
2m 24s
Fr Peter Brockhill is the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Parish in Marton, New Zealand.
2m 22s
Cathy Kennedy is the Director of Encounter, Office of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Sydney.
3m 1s
Robert Falzon is the founder of menAlive, a national Catholic men's ministry which began in 2003. Author of How to Grow a Men's Ministry and co-author of The Father Factor. http://www.menalive.org.au/
28m 31s
The Hosanna Foundation does an amazing job to help heal broken lives through the faith. This interview, with the founder of this wonderful project, delves deep into their story and mission.
Dr. Ray Guarendi was raised Catholic, but there was a lot he never learned, or if he did learn it, it didn't sink in.
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss seminary formation.
Sometimes the thing we forget most about our life of faith is showing up. This Lent, we are called to show up to our families, our communities, and our God.
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews a former pharmacy technician who hung around the wrong crowd.