45 matches found for category 'Atheism'
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9m 13s
Bishop Robert Barron looks at the popular anti-religious argument of innocent suffering by reflecting on the movie, "Miracles from Heaven".
Nathaniel Hurd didn't believe in God as a young man, but it wasn't necessarily because he was hostile to faith; he just didn't take the idea seriously.
Could you summarize the Gospel message in a few sentences?
Dr. Ray Guarendi was raised Catholic, but there was a lot he never learned, or if he did learn it, it didn't sink in.
8m 46s
Two recent news items 'the passing of assisted suicide in California and the prevalence of atheists among Harvard freshmen' seem to be disconnected, but they ultimately flow from the same rejection of God.
The Western world certainly took a step backwards after the fall of Rome, losing much of the scientific and cultural advancement of the ancient world. Many want to blame this on Christianity.
3m 33s
Fr John Bartunek tells the story of his journey to the priesthood on a Vocation.com video.
8m 12s
Bishop Barron comments on the steady decline towards secularisation and how the secular government is speeding up the decline.
3m 16s
Chris Stefanick describes the evidence of God in the amazing world all around us.
26m 42s
Sally Read is an English poet, born in an atheist and anti-Catholic family. She cited Marx and supported euthanasia and homosexuality. While researching information for a new book, she met a Catholic priest and thus discovered that the Catholic Churc...
Though raised Catholic, John Knutsen didn't really believe in God, and when his brother died of AIDS, he decided he was done with religion forever.
11m 24s
I've done a few videos on aspects of our Catholic culture, with a focus on liturgy and music, in the past and it's given me the opportunity to encounter some feedback, so I wanted to make another video addressing some of those sentiments.
10m 6s
For some reason lately, my kids have become preoccupied with werewolves. Whenever there's a full moon, they all start to on and on about it, I think, so as to be reassured that there is no real danger.
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews a 57 year old Army Director who tried a collection of different religions before finding Catholicism!
Fr Richard Umbers speaks about Post modernism, which is a reaction against logic, against any kind of reason, it is a philosophy which denies itself.
For Dr. Brent Robbins, who was raised Catholic and became an atheist, the problem of evil and suffering was a big reason why he stopped believing in God.
8m 35s
Dismissing historical sources of Jesus because those writers couldn't help themselves but become his followers is like dismissing claims about Socrates because the primary sources we have for his unsurpassed wisdom are his students, like Plato.
Chris Reibold came back to his Catholic faith as an adult, but he left it as a teenager because he didn't think it was intellectually sound.
"If God is the God of all creation... we shouldn't be afraid of difficult questions... faith and reason should be compatible with each other." Listen to Fr. Philip Mulryne's response when we asked him why he thinks many people are ...