22 matches found for category 'Faith'
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Nathaniel Hurd didn't believe in God as a young man, but it wasn't necessarily because he was hostile to faith; he just didn't take the idea seriously.
3m 25s
We may say it every Sunday, but what is a creed and why is it important?
2m 24s
Fr Peter Brockhill is the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Parish in Marton, New Zealand.
1m 47s
Fr Sean Byrnes is the Vice Rector of Vianney College, The Seminary of the Wagga Wagga Diocese.
"A relationship with Christ is the greatest romance you will ever have."
28m 46s
In our daily lives we face an endless amount of choices. Some are simple, but some are big and have a huge impact on our life. How should we face these choices?
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews an intellectual attorney convert.
Pope Francis spoke about dealing with doubt and anger through prayer.
10m 6s
For some reason lately, my kids have become preoccupied with werewolves. Whenever there's a full moon, they all start to on and on about it, I think, so as to be reassured that there is no real danger.
2m 5s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
28m 31s
As people of faith, are we controlled by our traditions and regulations?
2m 50s
Deacon Harold talks about faith and science.
Fr Richard Umbers speaks about Post modernism, which is a reaction against logic, against any kind of reason, it is a philosophy which denies itself.
Is there a secret to having all one's children keep the faith? Spiritual Leadership Workshops by Katie Warner.
"If God is the God of all creation... we shouldn't be afraid of difficult questions... faith and reason should be compatible with each other." Listen to Fr. Philip Mulryne's response when we asked him why he thinks many people are ...
Ethiopian Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel talks to Westerners about faith and expectations others have of them.
58m 7s
Tim Staples chronicles his famous conversion story from a slightly different angle.
Should I use only my mind to figure everything out, or only use faith to understand?
44m 45s
In this presentation, Fr Rizzo speaks about the vices which can lead us to sin and how to best avoid them.
Sin Faith Lecture