23 matches found for category 'Manhood'
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8m 18s
Fr. Frank Portelli, a newly ordained priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto, talks about his vocations story. For more information visit www.archtoronto.org
2m 15s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
2m 20s
Jesus said yes to the Father's plan to lay down his life for us, even though he could see everything he was about to go through.
The Priest's hands are anointed to heal humanity - a fragile humanity in need of Christ's loving touch! Special thanks to Fr. Alan Joseph Adami for this interview! Music: hooksounds.com 2018 All Rights Reserved True Light Catholic Med...
"The number one person I had to protect Madeleine from, was actually me, because I had the greatest ability to use or to manipulate or to twist her, because she had allowed me to come so close to her in love." - Simon Carrington Maltese-...
3m 1s
Robert Falzon is the founder of menAlive, a national Catholic men's ministry which began in 2003. Author of How to Grow a Men's Ministry and co-author of The Father Factor. http://www.menalive.org.au/
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews a marine veteran who spent 20 years away from his faith.
4m 19s
A touching story of vocation to the priesthood.
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
"Apply the ultimate love test to that relationship!" Maltese-Australian newlyweds Simon and Madeleine Carrington are chastity speakers and the founders of Fire Up Ministries! Together they are on a mission to share the Catholic Church...
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews a Preschool teacher and mother who drifted away from the faith.
1h 1m
Speaking with host Jonathon Van Maren, veteran anti-porn activist Matt Fradd exposes the real damage porn consumption does not just to the men and especially young boys who watch it but to romantic relationships, marriages, and families.
2m 19s
This Q & A was recorded on 19 March 2018 from the talk: The De-Christianization of the West.
2m 28s
James Parker is a founding member of the international Catholic network for men, Harvesters, under whose umbrella he has brought the Gospel message to thousands of men.
2m 5s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
The term 'Toxic Masculinity' has been raised recently in the rise of the #MeToo Movement. What does this mean?
53m 48s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, speaks about the Sacrament of Penance at the 2018 San Antonio's Men Conference.
2m 14s
Calling all MEN...It's time to RISE! Can't wait to enter into our new 30-day challenge for men. Join me! Share this video and visit menriseup.org to learn more!
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
Martyn Iles talks: Gillette Ad Controversy, Politicians are Resigning / Kelly O'Dwyer / Gender Quotas, School Freedom, Christians Prosecuted for Home-Schooling, The March for Life.