65 matches found for category 'Vocation'
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On June 22, 2019, I was ordained a priest in the Catholic Church. Now, one year later, I answer your questions about the experience.
Too often we think of discernment as the process of answering a question and moving on. But discernment is a way of life, the daily practice of seeking God and growing in our understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
8m 18s
Fr. Frank Portelli, a newly ordained priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto, talks about his vocations story. For more information visit www.archtoronto.org
2m 15s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss the challenges of being a priest today.
The Priest's hands are anointed to heal humanity - a fragile humanity in need of Christ's loving touch! Special thanks to Fr. Alan Joseph Adami for this interview! Music: hooksounds.com 2018 All Rights Reserved True Light Catholic Med...
While most of the work of Franciscan friars is outward, engaging the world with the love of Jesus Christ, some of it is internal. In this episode, Br. Bob Frazetta, OFM shares his life as the guardian of retired friars, ensuring the livelihood of our...
It was the night of the Last Supper, yet Jesus wanted to remain with us as if He had never left, so He instituted the Catholic priesthood.
3m 1s
Robert Falzon is the founder of menAlive, a national Catholic men's ministry which began in 2003. Author of How to Grow a Men's Ministry and co-author of The Father Factor. http://www.menalive.org.au/
Jesus tells us that when two or three are gathered in his name, he is there. For this reason, we are called to be in relationship and share our lives with others, building community and making God present.
3m 18s
All of us have a vocation to holiness. But some are called to live this vocation in a special way, by living a life of poverty, chastity, obedience in a radical way.
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss seminary formation.
Priests of the Archdiocese of Perth discuss tips for discerning your vocation.
Looking for adventure in your life? Want to see the world? Maybe God is calling you to a vocation as a Franciscan friar.
Follow the life of Fr. Joe Nangle, OFM, Franciscan Friar living in Washington, D.C.
"I realized that there were certain Bible verses I could no longer preach around."
4m 19s
A touching story of vocation to the priesthood.
5m 1s
Fr. John Brown, a Jesuit priest currently working in the Diocese of El Paso, TX, shares with us his vocation story. http://www.elpasovocation.com
What is the normal day like in the life of a Franciscan Friar? This series seeks to find out.