14 matches found for category 'Clergy'
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A look at the history of how bishops came to be appointed by the pope.
8m 32s
In this video, Bishop Barron comments on his episcopal coat of arms, explaining the rich meaning and symbolism behind each detail.
5m 1s
Fr. John Brown, a Jesuit priest currently working in the Diocese of El Paso, TX, shares with us his vocation story. http://www.elpasovocation.com
3m 18s
All of us have a vocation to holiness. But some are called to live this vocation in a special way, by living a life of poverty, chastity, obedience in a radical way.
3m 17s
Did you know there's a prayer that priests and religious are required to pray every day?
'The scandals that we are hearing about damaged the whole Church. This wound was inflicted on the body of Christ.' Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P. Help TLCM create more Catholic videos. Visit www.tlcm.com.mt/support
8m 18s
Throughout the stories that compose Christianity's pedigree and history we are presented with the most unlikely cast of characters that are commissioned with the unrealistic expectations of God.
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
It was the night of the Last Supper, yet Jesus wanted to remain with us as if He had never left, so He instituted the Catholic priesthood.
3m 11s
A little sacramental theology this week on 3MT! This Latin phrase reminds us that the sacraments don't depend on the worthiness of their minister.
What led to the sex abuse crises in the Church? Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P. explores this question. Help TLCM create more Catholic videos. Visit http://www.tlcm.com.mt/support
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!