94 matches found for category 'Christianity'
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There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
For Christians, getting into heaven is our ultimate, goal, right? In a way, yes, but I think we want to careful how we talk about this.
28m 31s
The Hosanna Foundation does an amazing job to help heal broken lives through the faith. This interview, with the founder of this wonderful project, delves deep into their story and mission.
Dr. Ray Guarendi was raised Catholic, but there was a lot he never learned, or if he did learn it, it didn't sink in.
Join us for the National Day of Prayer & Fasting on 2 March 2019.
Why has J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for his fiction, been so instrumental in drawing so many people to the Catholic Church?
As the oldest of 12 kids, Shaun Reiley's Christian family instilled in him a respect for life from as far back as he can remember. However, he wasn't sure what to make of Catholics, other than the fact that he knew that they were pro-life.
"I realized that there were certain Bible verses I could no longer preach around."
The Western world certainly took a step backwards after the fall of Rome, losing much of the scientific and cultural advancement of the ancient world. Many want to blame this on Christianity.
John is the managing director of the Human Rights Law Alliance. HRLA is a not-for-profit law firm established in 2019 and specialises in matters of religious freedom, freedom of thought, speech and conscience. John has been involved in various religi...
30m 49s
Jeremy Rizer was born into a Lutheran family but only practiced in order to please his mother. He started to drink after his parents separated. Driven by the culture that surrounded him, Jeremy found that drinking helped him talk with girls.
0m 59s
It might be hard for us to believe, but there are more martyrs today than in the first centuries. They are persecuted because they speak the truth and proclaim Jesus Christ to this society.
3m 33s
Fr John Bartunek tells the story of his journey to the priesthood on a Vocation.com video.
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews an intellectual attorney convert.
How do we speak into politics while keeping Jesus and the core parts of Christianity as a focus.
Al discovered the Jesus of the New Testament, and had a "born-again" experience that led him first to become a Protestant pastor, and eventually back to the Catholic faith of his youth.
Throughout his life, Dr. John Bergsma had a strong relationship with Jesus, from his days as the son of a military chaplain to his time serving as a Christian Reformed minister.
1h 1m
Tim refutes the common texts of II Tim 3:16 and II Peter 1:20 used to demonstrate "Sola Scriptura" by Protestants. He then demonstrates from the Gospels and from the Book of Acts that Jesus Christ and the apostles did not teach or practice ...