26 matches found for category 'Morals'
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There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
1m 9s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
2m 6s
Something to Think About with Paul Ninnes.
"In our culture we talk a lot about sex, we boast a lot about sexual experiences... and we are hit with it from every angle, however, many of us do not stop to think about sex." - Simon Carrington Maltese-Australian newlyweds Simon and M...
Why has J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for his fiction, been so instrumental in drawing so many people to the Catholic Church?
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
8m 15s
Part of what I find interesting about this question comes from the fact that I work in a creative field and many artists identify pot smoking as a source of inspiration because it can relax their restless minds and help them to focus in creative ways...
45m 8s
Fr. Leo Patalinghug knows how to make even complicated things easy and appetizing. Epic Food Fight uses a "theology of food" to explain the history of salvation, the cosmic struggle between good and evil.
How do you figure out what is right and what is wrong? Moral relativism vs objective truth.
Wendy Francis questions the introduction of new 'revenge porn' laws in QLD - and asks: have they gone far enough?
28m 46s
In our daily lives we face an endless amount of choices. Some are simple, but some are big and have a huge impact on our life. How should we face these choices?
Sin is always a decision to turn away from the will of God, but it does not necessarily mean that we want our sin more than we want God.
6m 20s
Instead, we should be attacking their ignorance with more truth' which will lead to more freedom. The proliferation of freedom, not the restricting of it, should be our aim.
8m 20s
Let me start off by saying that I've really enjoyed getting familiarized with Dr. Jordan Peterson's perspective. I think he has a lot of great insights and I'd recommend anyone with an open mind, to check him out and listen to what he has...
Many Christians who are frustrated with denominationalism wish they could just go back to the early Church and start Christianity over from scratch.
Raised Catholic, Dr. Francis Beckwith drifted away from the Catholic Church and toward Evangelical Christianity in his teenage years.
8m 56s
Bishop Robert Barron comments on the Steven Spielberg's 2015 Cold war film, "Bridge of Spies".
6m 39s
If we all have the desire to do the right thing, but aren't necessarily always willing to, does that mean that our desires to do the right thing translate into high moral inventory?
6m 17s
It's time to FIGHT BACK against the foul language that is so prevalent in our culture today.
3m 37s
Does it ever feel like the Church is just a collection of commandments and rules?