98 matches found for category 'Education'
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3m 25s
We may say it every Sunday, but what is a creed and why is it important?
For Christians, getting into heaven is our ultimate, goal, right? In a way, yes, but I think we want to careful how we talk about this.
What is Ash Wednesday really about? Let these two lovable sheep explain!
"In our culture we talk a lot about sex, we boast a lot about sexual experiences... and we are hit with it from every angle, however, many of us do not stop to think about sex." - Simon Carrington Maltese-Australian newlyweds Simon and M...
57m 5s
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
One of the most central beliefs of the Catholic Church, the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, is something that most cannot explain well. What does it mean to say that Christ is truly present?
It was the night of the Last Supper, yet Jesus wanted to remain with us as if He had never left, so He instituted the Catholic priesthood.
Dr. Ray Guarendi was raised Catholic, but there was a lot he never learned, or if he did learn it, it didn't sink in.
3m 28s
Who are these giants in our history? What makes Augustine, Clement of Rome, or Ignatius of Antioch a "Father" of the Church? And why are the Fathers so important to us?
28m 31s
Sr Dianne Bergant shares reflections from Pope Francis' "Misericordia et Misera."
3m 33s
We shouldn't avoid talking about the Holy Trinity - it's the central mystery of our faith! And even though it's a mystery, that doesn't mean we can't know anything about it.
The Western world certainly took a step backwards after the fall of Rome, losing much of the scientific and cultural advancement of the ancient world. Many want to blame this on Christianity.
7m 17s
As long as we are not perfectly good we can't have unlimited access to good things without the potential of being injured by it or corrupting it.
54m 40s
Carol Everett, now one of the top pro-life activists in the United States, spent 13 years in the abortion industry during the 1970s and '80s before coming to Jesus Christ.
7m 57s
In a recent interview, comedian Stephen Colbert was asked about the pain of losing his father and two brothers as a young boy.
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
1h 1m
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
Adam and Eve were the original match made in Heaven. Then Satan entered the scene to attack marriage. Spiritual Leadership Workshops by Katie Warner.