TFP Student Action

TFP Student Action is a project of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property. Founded in 1973, the American TFP was formed to resist, in the realm of ideas, the liberal, socialist and communist trends of the times and proudly affirm the positive values of tradition, family and private property. The American TFP was inspired by the work of the Brazilian intellectual and man of action Prof. Plinio Corr?¬a de Oliveira.


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9m 23s
Mr. Nelson Fragelli explains the theology and symbolism behind this jewel of medieval architecture, the stunning Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.
8m 47s
In this show, we interview Mr. John Horvat II about the principles found in his book, "Return to Order." The conversation covers topics like the brutal pace of modern day life, the soul's need for order and Rod Draher's, "The B...
27m 49s
TFP Student Action interviews Dr. Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of the American College of Pediatricians. She debunks the lies behind transgender ideology with sound science and denounces the new wave of child abuse caused by the transgender mov...
9m 12s
During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries there lived in Quito, Ecuador, a Spanish nun whose little-known but extraordinary life has a direct connection with our days.
5m 42s
Read the story:
6m 17s
It's time to FIGHT BACK against the foul language that is so prevalent in our culture today.
4m 25s
Sign the petition to save the Bladensburg Peace Cross:
1h 21m
Can music change the way we think, act, and believe?
8m 10s
Read the full article:
4m 24s
How does a simple mouse trap prove Darwin's theory wrong? Listen to Dr. Michael J. Behe, professor of biochemistry, explain why Charles Darwin's theory is inadequate to explain the origin of life. Behe reveals how new scientific discoveries a...
2m 42s
40% of the world's entire population is on lockdown. America and the world face a turning point that will define generations to come.
3m 36s
To get more information about the next TFP conference for young men, click here: Fifty young men from around the country gathered at a ranch outside Houston for a special conference titled "Defeating Our Ca...
Professor St'phane Mercier spoke out against abortion at the Tradition, Family, Property Washington Bureau.
Sign up now to be a Rosary Rally captain in 2023: From coast to coast, an army of rosary rally captains brought together groups of prayer warriors and went to the most visible locations ...
9m 48s
Are you familiar with the capes and standards of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)? Why do TFP symbols inspire so much admiration and sometimes even hatred? What do they represent? In the animal kingdom, ...
9m 33s
Every Columbus Day is the same: Christopher Columbus is attacked. His statues are desecrated. But why is Columbus attacked so much? Why is he vilified instead of honored?
55m 46s
Mr. Alexander Tschugguel, founder of the St. Boniface Institute, addressed members, friends and supporters of the American TFP on June 29, 2022, in McLean, Virginia. The topic of his presentation was "Where Will the German Bishops' Scandal L...
4m 17s
Under the shadow of Saint Louis Cathedral and other locations, faithful Catholics protest the Hell inspired event called HexFest which gathers practitioners of witchcraft, voodoo and the occult, from New Orleans and from around the world at the Bourb...
7m 35s
Sign the petition to DEFUND Planned Parenthood:
9m 51s
Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson destroys pro-abortion arguments at a Kentucky State hearing on SB 9, also known as the Heartbeat Bill, a #prolife measure which was recently approved.