21 matches found for category 'Understanding'
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3m 29s
Did you know the Mass is made up of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
Why has J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for his fiction, been so instrumental in drawing so many people to the Catholic Church?
Music video. A girl who aborts her baby following her boyfriend's demands. But an older woman, who also had an abortion when she was younger, helps the girl to find healing and peace after the traumatic experience.
Throughout his life, Dr. John Bergsma had a strong relationship with Jesus, from his days as the son of a military chaplain to his time serving as a Christian Reformed minister.
3m 33s
We shouldn't avoid talking about the Holy Trinity - it's the central mystery of our faith! And even though it's a mystery, that doesn't mean we can't know anything about it.
54m 40s
Carol Everett, now one of the top pro-life activists in the United States, spent 13 years in the abortion industry during the 1970s and '80s before coming to Jesus Christ.
7m 56s
Bishop Barron talks about the ascencion of the lord which is a difficult idea for many people to understand and goes into detail on how to better understand it and why it is relevant to everyone.
Katie Warner, Manager of Communication and Evangelization, Catholics Come Home, on Catholics Come Home Evangelisation Q and A, answers the question: How do I respond to those who bring up the Church scandals?
48m 19s
In this episode of The Van Maren Show, Nancy Pearcey and Jonathon Van Maren discuss the deeply-rooted philosophical arguments underpinning the transgender movement, how it exploded in less than a decade, and the dangers it poses to our society.
In this first segment of the series, we will look at the introductory rites of the Mass, how the congregation is called in and prepared to worship. This will include the gathering, penitential rite, gloria, and collect.
58m 16s
Dr. Monica Miller, founder and director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, speaks with Jonathon Van Maren about her start in the pro-life movement in the 1970s as a graduate student under the tutelage of Joe Scheidler. She also talks about the impac...
25m 23s
Fr Michael Manning SVD in The Word in the World - As followers of Jesus, what do we think about the victims and the perpetrators of the violence and killing in our world?
25m 21s
Fr Michael Manning SVD in The Word in the World - Imagine receiving a letter from a loved one who writes to you from the middle of a terrible battle.
0m 46s
When first asked to share my story, I was reluctant. My gut reaction was to say no due to a natural instinct to protect myself from being vulnerable in front of others. But here I stand. Not for my own sake but in the hope that my story may be of ben...
U.S. Army chief of chaplains and the command chaplain for the Military District of Washington discuss how their specialty is viewed as a first line of defense to identify behavioral problems of soldiers and how they can best get help.
Should I use only my mind to figure everything out, or only use faith to understand?
7m 14s
All the great religious traditions have been this attempt to penetrate the mysteries of ultimate truth and ultimate reality and come up with an understanding of it that can be taught to others.
2m 9s
This video is about Ashley Bratcher on her role in Unplanned,
Australian Bishop Christopher Saunders of Broome speaks about prosperity and how selfishness affects the treatment of Aboriginal people and refugees.