Parousia Media

Parousia Media

Parousia believes that by introducing people to Jesus, many will choose friendship with him over everything else and so become his disciples.

Parousia begins this process of evangelisation by reaching out to already-connected Catholics, inviting them to participate in the mission and forming them for mission.Catholic disciples who are formed and activated for mission then invite others into friendship with Jesus, just as they were, themselves, invited.


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1m 9s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
2m 15s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
1m 57s
Dr Peter Kwasniewski is a Catholic writer and composer of sacred music. He is a senior fellow of the St Paul Center in Steubenville, Ohio, and was formerly on the faculty of Wyoming Catholic College.
19m 31s
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
1h 43m
Fr Mitch Pacwa, S.J. explains the multiple religious texts and compares them to one another. Learn all about where they originate from in this extremely interesting talk about "The people of the Book!"
2m 6s
Something to Think About with Paul Ninnes.
2m 8s
Fr Peter Brockhill is the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Parish in Marton, New Zealand.
1m 48s
Fr Terence Mary Naughtin OFM Conventual talks about how we should receive an infusion of grace into our souls.
57m 5s
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
1m 26s
This Q & A was recorded on 15 May 2019 from the Guardians talk: A Marian Twist to the Seven Deadly Sins available from Parousia.
2m 47s
This Q & A was recorded on 15 May 2019 from the Guardians talk: A Marian Twist to the Seven Deadly Sins available from Parousia.
2m 13s
Fr Trevor Tibbertsma is a priest of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
16m 17s
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
2m 24s
Fr Peter Brockhill is the Parish Priest of St Francis Xavier Parish in Marton, New Zealand.
2m 22s
Cathy Kennedy is the Director of Encounter, Office of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Sydney.
3m 1s
Robert Falzon is the founder of menAlive, a national Catholic men's ministry which began in 2003. Author of How to Grow a Men's Ministry and co-author of The Father Factor.
1m 31s
Fr Daniele Russo is the Assistant Priest of Holy Family Parish in Menai, Archdiocese of Sydney.
1h 0m
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
1m 40s
Fr Anthony Girolami is the Parish Priest of Mill Park Parish in the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
1m 52s
What do you get when you combine a former award-winning choreographer for break-dancing groups, 3rd degree Black Belt Martial Arts Instructor, acclaimed chef, TV and radio personality, and priest? None other than Fr Leo Patalinghug!