HM Television
HM Television

The EUK Mamie Foundation arose from the desire of the Home of the Mother to contribute to the New Evangelization.

The Foundation responds to the call to use social communications media as a way to proclaim the Gospel message. Our activities and products are directed towards young people, families and children to transmit good values. Our motto is "Yesterday, today, and always: THE TRUTH."

The Foundation produces all types of audiovisual and graphic material, thanks to the collaboration of members of the Home of the Mother and many others who, with a true apostolic spirit, dedicate their time and knowledge to these productions, which include radio and television programs and magazines. As we know there is much at stake, EUK Mamie works on a different wavelength.... building the Civilization of Love.

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4m 17s
A common question: Why do priests and religious make a vow of chastity? Fr. Luuk Jansen highlights the importance of this complete self-giving to God and the Church. From his personal experience we discover this important truth: The more we truly giv...
4m 9s
The priest has been chosen to be another Christ on this earth and has the power to turn ordinary bread into Our Lord. Fr. Victor Samugana talks about the Eucharist and the celebration of the Mass, which is indeed the 'summit of prayer.'
5m 35s
Perhaps we understand a bit about the importance of prayer. Yet can we truly consider ourselves Christ's friends?
27m 40s
The young 15 year old Shane Sullivan, despite having grown up in a catholic family and receiving a catholic education, really couldn't really care less about God. He wasn't alive in his faith nor had he had a personal experience of God. A tur...
32m 27s
This program features Fr. Santosh Kumar Digal and Fr. Mrutyunjaya Digal, Catholic priests who exercise their ministry in the punishable and martyrial area of Orissa, India.
39m 49s
In the program "In the Footsteps of the Nazarene," you can get a close up on the missionaries who are most dedicated to serving the persecuted Christians. Fr. Luis Montes, IVE, has spent 20 years evangelizing in the Middle East, and 6 of th...
31m 45s
Fr. Ibrahim Alsabagh, OFM has exercised his ministry as parish priest and superior of the Franciscan community in Aleppo, Syria. He is also the author of the book Letters from Aleppo that gathers stories about war and faith, lived in first-person. Th...
29m 44s
Fr. Federico Juan Highton missionary priest in the Far East and founder of the Order St. Elijahmissionary in the Tibetan Plateau, makes us participants in his incredible experiences in the mission and in the greatness of the faith that he proclaims t...
5m 27s
Hannah Riffe felt like she was good catholic but when she reached college she put almost everything having to do with the faith to the side. Her focal point became balancing a very high study level with a part-time job. When she went from being a str...
24m 11s
Leslie Harvey is from Florida, USA. She was baptized and raised protestant. She had no contact with the Catholic Faith until her adolescence when she went to a Catholic high school. Thanks to the help of her religion teacher, who was able to understa...
5m 56s
Join us in this first episode of I Prefer Paradise. Today we are exploring what these young people think about Advent and Christmas. Theyve also taken their questions to the streets to see what average people are looking forward to in this time of ye...
26m 11s
This episode of Changing Tracks is the first of two parts in which Christel tells us how she converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, and by doing so discovered the meaning to life as well as a faith that truly answered the questions she had deep...
26m 12s
At only 9 years of age, Mike Hardin fell into the trap of pornography after coming across his father's collection of pornographic material. The bad example of catholics "only by name" finished off the little faith he had left, and he tu...
27m 21s
Casandra Lim is from Singapore. Even though she was born into a non-Catholic faith, her aunt took her to catechism classes and she was baptized. Later on, she left the Faith. It was at that moment when she began to experience an unquenchable thirst. ...
4m 47s
I would rather be without skin, exclaimed St. John of Avila, than to live without devotion to Mary. Fr. Victor Samugana reiterates this vital truth in this episode of The Priesthood. The fidelity of the priest lies in his devotion to Our Blessed Moth...
27m 53s
Sister Mary Gianna Klein is a Dominican sister. She began to grow up in a nominally Catholic family. When she was little, her mother grew close to the Lord and decided to pray the Rosary every day with the family. Sister Mary Gianna, who resisted at...
27m 47s
This time, In the Footsteps of the Nazarene features an interview with Bishop Antoine Audo, the Chaldean Catholic Bishop of Aleppo, a city that continues to be one of the focal points of the war in Syria and that has witnessed a drastic decline in it...
28m 19s
This week Faith Tomaszycki gets on our train. She is from the US and was born into a Catholic family where they tried to instill Christian values, yet she never came to make them her own. When she entered her adolescent years, she began to fall into ...
6m 35s
The impact of one person's 'yes' to the Lord is unfathomable. Fr. Victor Samugana shares with us how he heard God's call through missionary priests who came to spread the Gospel in his own country. He himself now serves as a missionar...
5m 25s
In this new episode of I Prefer Paradise, we are going to see what these young people have to say about being a saint. Join us as they share their responses to questions like, What comes to your mind when you think of a saint?, or Is it really worth ...