11 matches found for category 'Theology'
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45m 8s
Fr. Leo Patalinghug knows how to make even complicated things easy and appetizing. Epic Food Fight uses a "theology of food" to explain the history of salvation, the cosmic struggle between good and evil.
2m 13s
This Q & A was recorded on 13 March 2019 from the talk: The World, The Flesh, The Devil by Fr John Rizzo at Guardians Faith Formation Group.
9m 43s
Bishop Robert Barron talk about one of the most touchy and interesting issues in theology, Nature and Grace.
9m 23s
Mr. Nelson Fragelli explains the theology and symbolism behind this jewel of medieval architecture, the stunning Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.
4m 29s
A senior from the Archdiocese of Mobile, Connor Plessala, gives an amazing personal vocation story on how he joined the seminary. He is currently the Athletic Committee Chairman and looking forward to Theology!
2m 11s
This Q & A was recorded on 10 April 2019 from the Guardians talk: Why the Cross? available from Parousia.
While we often talk about the "theology of the Church," the diversity of perspectives throughout our history suggests it might be more appropriate to speak of the "theologies of the Church."
0m 55s
This Q & A was recorded on 10 April 2019 from the Guardians talk: Why the Cross? available from Parousia.
2h 3m
A Debate on the Existence of God between a Catholic Apologist/Author (Trent Horn) and an Atheist foundation co-president (Dan Barker).
11m 0s
Some may think that this topic is not the most applicable to their practice of the Faith, but tune in and learn more about the importance of theology in our own lives! Catholic Bytes Podcast is a CAST initiative.
14m 19s
Every human society that we have records for, every civilization, has nurtured some moral code of behaviour. And in many cases, like the entire developed world of today, those societies have recognized the most critical elements of those moral codes ...