15 matches found for category 'Homily'
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57m 5s
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
13m 26s
Friends, today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, when Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River. The baptism of Jesus was a source of embarrassment for the early Church, who wanted to portray him as a powerful son of God; but th...
28m 46s
In our daily lives we face an endless amount of choices. Some are simple, but some are big and have a huge impact on our life. How should we face these choices?
A look at Pope Francis' remarks during an interreligious gathering in Abu Dhabi.
13m 21s
Friends, in this sermon for Palm Sunday, I explore three peculiar images in Mark's account of Christ's Passion and death, and how these details inspire us to live faithfully in the light of our Lord's sacrifice. Watch the Spanish versi...
15m 29s
Friends, one of the best things we can do during Lent is to go to confession. In the first reading today, we are given the Ten Commandments, one of the most fundamental parts of the Christian faith. But how thoroughly have we internalized them? In th...
13m 20s
Friends, this Sunday we hear the story of Jonah, a narrative about the acceptance (or rejection) of God's mission. What would happen if every single person in our society commenced to embrace his or her mission from God? Jonah converted the entir...
1m 11s
Friends, yesterday the Church celebrated Passion Sunday, and with this solemn commemoration we begin the great days of Holy Week, which will culminate in the Sacred Triduum- the holiest days of the Church's year. In these days we turn our attenti...
1m 17s
Friends, it was a joy to offer Mass for the Santa Inez parish community yesterday. We celebrated together on the beautiful grounds of the Mission. What a privilege it is to offer the Blessed Sacrament to the people of God.
15m 44s
Friends, today's readings contain within them the theme of God's covenants with his people. God has made the whole of creation, but out of the totality of the nations on earth, he chose a particular people-the Israelite nation-to be "pec...
12m 32s
Friends, on this Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Church gives us the privilege of hearing the very last words of the Bible. If you're reading poetry, a novel, or even a great work of history, the last words are of tremendous importance. We hear tod...
13m 37s
Friends, in our Gospel passage today, Jesus proclaims that he is the vine and we are the branches. There is give and take in this divine relationship. Not only are we rooted in Christ's mystical body, but he endeavors to cultivate his love and me...
13m 57s
Friends, in this Sunday's reading, St. Paul affirms what stands at the center of his life: preaching the glad tidings that God has won the victory over sin and death, thereby liberating all creation. Paul's whole life revolved around this goo...
14m 3s
Friends, today's Gospel reveals the essence of Christianity. To believe in Christ means much more than to accept a set of propositions. Christianity involves entering into the space opened up by the death of the Son of God to receive his saving l...