171 matches found for category 'Pope Francis'
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During his general audience March 6, Pope Francis spoke about the coming of the kingdom of God.
Pope Francis visited the parish of St. Crispin and celebrated Mass March 3, 2019.
3m 39s
Download the encyclical at http://LaudatoSi.com. For more videos from Fr. Barron, visit http://WordOnFire.org/resources/video/.
5m 1s
The U.S. Bishops, following Pope Francis' lead, voted last week to change what the U.S. Church teaches about the death penalty.
Pope Francis, at his general audience, asked Catholics to meditate on Christ's crucifixion as a sign of God's love.
During his general audience Aug. 7, Pope Francis spoke about the healing power of Jesus.
Pope Francis speaks about the sexual abuse of women religious aboard the papal plane returning from the United Arab Emirates.
1m 0s
Oceans contain the bulk of our planet's water supply, and also most of the immense variety of living creatures, many of them are threatened for various reasons. Let us pray this month that politicians, scientists and economists work together to ...
During his general audience Oct. 30, Pope Francis said the Holy Spirit leads the church in its evangelization efforts.
Pope Francis continued his catechesis on the Our Father during his weekly general audience Feb. 13.
Pope Francis celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass March 6.
Pope Francis tells Christians in Morocco to be neighbors to the marginalized, the poor, the prisoners and those with other faith traditions.
1m 12s
Six years ago, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was elected 265th successor of St. Peter and 266th Vicar of Christ.
1m 57s
Cardinal Michael Michai Kitbunchu, Archbishop emeritus of Bangkok, says Pope Francis' visit will be one of evangelization.
1m 0s
I want to thank the religious sisters, priests, laity, and missionaries for their work to create dialogue and reconciliation among the various sectors of African society. Let us pray this month that the Church in Africa, through the commitment of its...
28m 31s
Sr Dianne Bergant shares reflections from Pope Francis' "Misericordia et Misera."
Pope Francis spoke with World Youth Day volunteers before returning to Rome Jan. 27.
During his weekly general audience Feb. 6, Pope Francis spoke of his recent visit to the United Arab Emirates.
Pope Francis leads crowd in silent prayer for victims of attack on New Zealand mosques.
0m 59s
It might be hard for us to believe, but there are more martyrs today than in the first centuries. They are persecuted because they speak the truth and proclaim Jesus Christ to this society.