27 matches found for category 'Confession'
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15m 29s
Friends, one of the best things we can do during Lent is to go to confession. In the first reading today, we are given the Ten Commandments, one of the most fundamental parts of the Christian faith. But how thoroughly have we internalized them? In th...
Life can be diifficult, carrying heavy burdens from the past.
We all know that a priest is sworn to secrecy in the sacrament of reconciliation. But are there limits to what he can and should withhold in the confessional?
Preview: Catholic News Service's multimedia series on challenges to the seal of confession.
3m 42s
Fr. Chris Alar answers the most common question he's received since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
Pope Francis spoke March 12 to confessors taking a course on the sacrament of reconciliation.
Priests, theologians and lawyers say protecting the privilege between priest and penitent in the confessional is a religious freedom issue.