16 matches found for category 'Reconciliation'
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1m 9s
This Q & A was recorded on 14 October 2018 from the talk: Be A Man as part of the Family Conference hosted by the Croatian Catholic Community.
1m 48s
Fr Terence Mary Naughtin OFM Conventual talks about how we should receive an infusion of grace into our souls.
2m 22s
Cathy Kennedy is the Director of Encounter, Office of Evangelisation in the Archdiocese of Sydney.
1h 0m
Join Fr Ricardo Pineda as he renews your faith and shows you all the great gifts God has given us!
5m 38s
This video shows the true nature of christian religious confessions.
2m 35s
Chris Stefanick explains that, next to the ocean of God's mercy, your sin is a pebble. He died to free you from it. Let Him.
This video answers some common distractions that keep us away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is a channel of grace that restores our friendship with God.
The Catholic Church considers confidentiality in the confessional inviolable and has resisted governmental intrusion of the sacrament of penance for centuries. This documentary shows how the struggle continues in the modern era.
There are many great reasons to be Catholic! Here's one of them!
Young people at World Youth Day in Panama talk about why they chose to go to confession.
1m 49s
Chris Stefanick on conversion. What does it take to begin on the whole process of giving our whole lives to God?
These priests and penitents take us through the inner workings of a sacred and confidential confession.
At his general audience May 15, Pope Francis spoke about the last line of the Lord's Prayer, "deliver us from evil."
1m 25s
Pope Francis' prayer intention for March seeks to highlight the joy that the sacrament of reconciliation brings, and reminds us that it's a loving and merciful encounter between God and ourselves.
1m 57s
Salwa Elias is a producer for EWTN Australia/New Zealand, she is also one of the hosts of the Parousia Hour on Voice of Charity Radio (1701 AM), and among other roles works for the Maronite Eparchy of Australia.
Pope Francis spoke March 12 to confessors taking a course on the sacrament of reconciliation.