Vatican News

Vatican News is the new information system of the Holy See. It began on June 27th 2015 with the publication of a Motu Proprio by Pope Francis which announced the creation of a new Dicastery of the Roman Curia: the Vatican Secretariat for Communication.

Vatican News goes beyond the idea of simple digital convergence by responding to, and even anticipating, the continual changes concerning where and how we communicate. It finds its expression and interaction on a platform that is multilingual, multicultural, multichannel, multimedia and multidevice.

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1m 12s
Six years ago, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was elected 265th successor of St. Peter and 266th Vicar of Christ.
1m 57s
Cardinal Michael Michai Kitbunchu, Archbishop emeritus of Bangkok, says Pope Francis' visit will be one of evangelization.
5m 15s
Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago, was repeatedly pressed by journalists on the role of homosexuality and of a homosexual subculture in the clerical abuse crisis.
0m 59s
Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, says Pope Francis is inviting us to share in the sufferings of others, on the 27th World Day of the Sick.
0m 59s
In the Middle East, concord and dialogue among the three monotheistic religions is based on spiritual and historic bonds. Today, many Christian communities, together with Jewish and Muslim communities, work here for peace, reconciliation, and forgive...
0m 47s
Pope Francis one day visit to Mauritius saw the entire population come together to welcome this special guest. Simon Wang, a shepherd of the charismatic English-language prayer group Living Waters, speaks of how is presence galvanized Mauritians brea...
1m 1s
Let's remember the election of the Venerable Pius XII with this historic footage.
1m 25s
A papal document, the post-synodal Exhortation "Christus vivit", transformed into "bite-size" videos by 26 young people, an initiative of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life and the Dicastery for Communication a year after th...
6m 5s
Pope Francis sends this video message to participants in a meeting in Mexico organized by Scholas Occurrentes. He says reflecting on death is really a door to life.
1m 39s
As the world marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, we take a look at what Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis have said about that "border of death". (Photo credits: Livio Senigalliesi, Augusto Bordato)
2m 21s
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development organizes an International Conference in the Vatican to explore the impact and influence of Pope Benedict XVI's Encyclical, Caritas in veritate, ten years after its publication.
2m 13s
Young people from around the world take part in the 5th World Youth Parliament, hosted at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, in Spain.
6m 40s
Pope Francis sends his greetings and words of encouragement and gratitude to participants of the IX Edition of the Festival of Social Doctrine of the Church taking place in the city of Verona, in northern Italy, from 21 to 24 November.
0m 53s
Music and song sets the stage for survivors of Japan's so called 'Triple Disaster' as they prepare to share their experience with the Pope at Belesalle Hanzomon Auditorium in Tokyo.
1m 41s
Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Mauritius' capital, Port Louis, during his Apostolic Visit to the Indian Ocean island.
2m 21s
In this video, Vatican Media presents some excerpts of video footage of the Pan-Amazon Region looking forward to the Synod of Bishops in October 2019.
2m 17s
Vatican News brings you another chapter in its series dedicated to an inside look at the history, objectives and "mission budgets" of the various Vatican offices that assist the Pope in his pastoral ministry. Here we feature the Congregatio...
1m 24s
Today, there continue to be women who suffer violence. Psychological violence, verbal violence, physical violence, sexual violence. It's shocking how many women are beaten, insulted, and raped. The various forms of ill-treatment that many w...
2m 7s
On Thursday, 9 May 2019, Pope Francis Motu proprio, "Vos estis lux mundi", establishing new procedures for reporting abuse and violence, and ensuring that Bishops and Religious Superiors are held accountable for their actions, was presented...
3m 55s
"The Candles of Stritennya" solidarity initiative is promoted by the Ukranian Greek Catholic Church's Office for Ecology. Aiming to provide assistance to the poor of the Eastern European nation, the initiative stems from a deep-rooted n...