Canberra Declaration

Canberra Declaration

The Canberra Declaration is an active, caring, growing community of
people who have a vision for an Australia where children are safe, women
are secure, families are happy, everyone receives a fair go, incentive
is rewarded, integrity is paramount, life is precious, freedom is for
all, including those of faith. Where everyone is able to enjoy the
prosperity that comes from the revitalisation of the Judeo-Christian
Values that form the foundation of our nation.

The values listed in the Canberra Declaration are under threat! They are
being attacked and undermined on many fronts, by dedicated and
articulate proponents of different views. 
While these values are under threat in Australia and throughout the
world, we fight to defend these values for Australia and for AustraliaÔÇÖs
children. We invite you to join us in our stand for a better Australia
for the benefit of everyone.

Follow us on TwitterInstagramYoutube, and Facebook.


129 matches found for publisher 'Canberra Declaration'
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Watch the full recording of the official launch of the 31 Days of Prayer & Fasting for Revival. We were joined by numerous amazing speakers in a powerful time of prayer, worship and fellowship. FOLLOW US: >>Facebook: Follow the link above to register for a special Revival & Rain Video Webinar this coming Thursday night the 26th of September at 8PM AEST.
46m 18s
KIRRALIE'S WEBSITE: Most Australians are unaware of just how pervasive radical gender theory is in our society. But when they find out, they're horrified. In this conversation, Kirralie Smith exposes the lies...
Thank you very much to everyone who supported the GO2020 Campaign. We are looking forward to helping share the good news of Jesus Christ to the world throughout the month of May.
34m 24s
FAMILY FIRST: What is at stake in the upcoming Victorian election? Cody Mitchell is joined by veteran lobbyist, former Australian Christian Lobby boss and political campaigner Lyle Shelton to discuss the current po...
47m 54s
#Revival #History #Prayer #Christianity #Awakening #Jesus #Christ #Australia Contrary to popular belief, Australia has a rich heritage of revivals, whether localised, church-based occurrences or larger-scale events. Jeff Stacey has spent years...
59m 20s
Praying for the 2022 Federal Election with Martyn Iles
Cody Mitchell, a young historian and writer, joins Warwick Marsh of the Canberra Declaration to discuss the historical nature of the Bible, and the implications this has for apologetics and Biblical authority. For more from the Daily Declaration: ...
Join us for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting throughout Jan 2021. For more details go to
We realise that Go 2020 sits somewhat outside of our charter as the Canberra Declaration. But keep in mind that our vision statement says the following:
38m 29s
CultureWatch website: Should we be surprised by the Victorian state election result? How should Christians move forward? What can the campaign, election result, and fallout teach us? Cody Mitchell is joined again by...
#Auspol #Election #Prayer #Christians #Australia #Pray #HolySpirit #Fasting #AustraliaVotes Margaret Court, a world-famous tennis star and Perth pastor, offers up a prayer of mercy for Australia in the lead up to the Australian Federal Election. ...
A huge thank you to all the support you've given us over the past year from the Canberra Declaration team. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
#revival #prayer #Christian #God #Jesus #pray Revival is not all glitz and glamour, as it is so often imagined. Far more often, it starts with a small, faithful group of Christians seeking the Lord in prayer. Jeff Stacey (https://godspurposebib...
42m 10s
ROD'S WEBSITE: Homeschooling is rapidly growing in popularity in Australia; however, there is still a lingering stigma around the movement. Veteran homeschool dad and online commentator Rod Lampard joins Cody Mitchel...
57m 35s
John's ministry: John Blacket was there to experience a powerful move of the Holy Spirit in the 1970s among Aboriginal communities. In this conversation, Warwick Marsh asks John about his experiences with revival. ...
24m 21s
BUY Geoff's book: In the lead-up to the Victorian election, Geoff Shaw has set out to unmask the man behind Australia's most 'progressive' state. His book, Dan Andrews Unmasked, records Dan An...
Register for the October campaign: Join Warwick and Matt Madigan as they discuss the significance and practicalities of prayer and fasting. Buy 'Invitation to a Fast&...