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Could Australia Experience Revival Today? A History and Reflection with Jeff Stacey

Canberra Declaration

#Revival #History #Prayer #Christianity #Awakening #Jesus #Christ #Australia Contrary to popular belief, Australia has a rich heritage of revivals, whether localised, church-based occurrences or larger-scale events. Jeff Stacey has spent years studying revivals and identifying common patterns around the world, beginning in Biblical times. He...

Could Australia Experience Revival Today? A History and Reflection with Jeff Stacey

Could Australia Experience Revival Today? A History and Reflection with Jeff Stacey
Could Australia Experience Revival Today? A History and Reflection with Jeff Stacey

Canberra Declaration

#Revival #History #Prayer #Christianity #Awakening #Jesus #Christ #Australia Contrary to popular belief, Australia has a rich heritage of revivals, whether localised, church-based occurrences or larger-scale events. Jeff Stacey has spent years studying revivals and identifying common patterns around the world, beginning in Biblical times. He...