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Just how bad has it got? The War on Women, 'Conversion Therapy' and Christianity- Kirralie Smith

Canberra Declaration

KIRRALIE'S WEBSITE: https://www.binary.org.au/ Most Australians are unaware of just how pervasive radical gender theory is in our society. But when they find out, they're horrified. In this conversation, Kirralie Smith exposes the lies behind the transgender narrative. She shows how it harms people (particularly children and women), and how ...

Just how bad has it got? The War on Women, 'Conversion Therapy' and Christianity- Kirralie Smith

Just how bad has it got? The War on Women, 'Conversion Therapy' and Christianity- Kirralie Smith
Just how bad has it got? The War on Women, 'Conversion Therapy' and Christianity- Kirralie Smith

Canberra Declaration

KIRRALIE'S WEBSITE: https://www.binary.org.au/ Most Australians are unaware of just how pervasive radical gender theory is in our society. But when they find out, they're horrified. In this conversation, Kirralie Smith exposes the lies behind the transgender narrative. She shows how it harms people (particularly children and women), and how ...