9 matches found for category 'Gospel'
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Could you summarize the Gospel message in a few sentences?
Pentecost is the birthday of the Church! The Apostles went from being tentative and scared to being zealous and bold preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How? The Holy Spirit.
3m 26s
In the first of this series, we look at some things we do at Mass, like why we cross our forehead, lips, and heart at the Gospel.
25m 17s
Fr Michael Manning SVD in The Word in the World - Wouldn't it be great if we could fall in love with the Bible, and allow God to talk to us every time we open the Bible?
54m 19s
Tim Staples chronicles his famous conversion story from a slightly different angle.
1m 47s
This Q & A was recorded on 26 July 2018 from the Bible Study Conference: A Walk Through the Gospel of Mark available from Parousia.
4m 39s
This Q & A was recorded on 7 August 2019 from the Guardians talk: Mary In Time: Past, Present & Eternity available from Parousia.
25m 22s
Fr Michael Manning SVD in The Word in the World - Gives you thrilling insights into the Gospel of Luke.