41 matches found for category 'Church Crisis'
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"I remember, even as a ten year old girl when I came to Malta for the first time, I was totally struck by the beauty of the churches" - Madeleine Carrington "Although the churches are beautiful, we need to have faith and trust that...
Pope Francis speaks about the sexual abuse of women religious aboard the papal plane returning from the United Arab Emirates.
The season of Lent in 2019 is seen as a crucial moment in the life of the church.
8m 12s
Bishop Barron comments on the steady decline towards secularisation and how the secular government is speeding up the decline.
'The scandals that we are hearing about damaged the whole Church. This wound was inflicted on the body of Christ.' Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P. Help TLCM create more Catholic videos. Visit www.tlcm.com.mt/support
Pope Francis appealed for a global battle against sex abuse during his closing speech of the Vatican summit on child protection and the sex abuse crisis.
Brenda Noriega, a youth minister from the Diocese of San Bernardino, California, spoke with Pope Francis about the abuse crisis facing the church.
26m 42s
Sally Read is an English poet, born in an atheist and anti-Catholic family. She cited Marx and supported euthanasia and homosexuality. While researching information for a new book, she met a Catholic priest and thus discovered that the Catholic Churc...
The Catholic Church considers confidentiality in the confessional inviolable and has resisted governmental intrusion of the sacrament of penance for centuries. This documentary shows how the struggle continues in the modern era.
What role did the Media play in the uncovering of the sex abuse crises in the Church? Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P. explores this question. Help TLCM create more Catholic videos. Visit www.tlcm.com.mt/support
Priests say they would go to jail, or worse, to protect the seal of confession.
What led to the sex abuse crises in the Church? Fr. Aaron Zahra O.P. explores this question. Help TLCM create more Catholic videos. Visit http://www.tlcm.com.mt/support
5m 54s
Another Catholic bishop is in the headlines this week because of corruption revelations and, as usual, the story broke in the secular media.
Katie Warner, Manager of Communication and Evangelization, Catholics Come Home, on Catholics Come Home Evangelisation Q and A, answers the question: How do I respond to those who bring up the Church scandals?
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo spoke to Catholic News Service Feb. 24 after the Vatican summit on child protection and the sex abuse crisis.
Pope Francis spoke to women religious superiors about abuse and being at service, not in servitude.
St. John Nepomucene Church in New York is named for the 14th century martyred priest who decided torture and death was a price worth paying for not violating the seal of confession.
28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews an accomplished President of a firm who left the Church due to the Priest scandals but has now returned!
6m 31s
Now that the dust is settling a little (although likely to be stirred right back up again), I've been reflecting a lot on how we can move forward and what the takeaways are from the scandals in the Catholic Church.