24 matches found for category 'Pandemic'
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Pope Francis and Vatican City take measures to contain the coronavirus.
3m 42s
Fr. Chris Alar answers the most common question he's received since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
1m 34s
Around the world, we have been sharing critical COVID-19 prevention messages. We've been on the ground, working closely with our local partners to get the word out about staying safe and preventing the spread of coronavirus. Learn more: https...
Pope Francis prayed for Mary's assistance in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
0m 34s
COVID-19 continues to affect some of the world's poorest communities. With your support we are working to ensure communities have access to education and PPE equipment to reduce the spread of the virus. You can show your support by visiting: h...
7m 14s
The Philippines is undergoing one of the longest city lockdowns in the world. President Rodrigo Duterte first announced the lockdown on March 16 2020, which has been extended on multiple occasions. Its estimated that over 10 million Filipinos lo...
In a message for Earth Day April 22, Pope Francis said the world is running out of time to solve the crises caused by climate change and the pandemic.
Pope Francis celebrated Easter Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican April 12, 2020.
There is a lot of information out there about how masks impact our physical health, but how do they affect our spiritual health? Check out this Two-Minute Tuesday video to hear what I have to say. Comment below with YOUR thoughts on how masks impa...
0m 28s
This morning, in the atrium of the Paul VI Hall, as the Vatican City State vaccination program proceeds, a first group of around 25 homeless people permanently housed in the care and residence facilities of the Office of Papal Charities received the ...
1m 41s
Pope Francis is certain of this and is repeating it to everyone: we will emerge either better or worse after the pandemic The global crisis requires that the parameters of human co-existence be rethought through the lens of solidarity. Based on this ...
1m 24s
During the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis urges everyone to work towards creating a more equal and healthy world.
17m 4s
You have probably heard about COVID vaccines in every news outlet recently, and you may have heard debates about if they were ethically developed. In this episode, Dr. Melissa Moschella explains the facts about the development of the vaccine and how ...
15m 12s
You may have heard our first podcast on the COVID vaccine, that was recorded before the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released a letter...so now, we update! Tune in to hear the latest!
0m 30s
Many people are losing their jobs and being pushed into poverty due to Coronavirus. You can help them by making a donation today.
Under the gaze of a seventh-century icon of Mary, Pope Francis launched a monthlong, global recitation of the rosary, pleading for Mary's intercession for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
1m 26s
Make a tax deductible donation to help the most vulnerable people in refugee camps like Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh.
0m 30s
The COVID-19 pandemic has spread globally and its impact is amplified for those who are in communities already vulnerable to poverty, malnutrition and without access to adequate health care.
37m 31s
In todays special segment of The John-Henry Westen Show, I speak with the leading expert on China, Steve Mosher about what is really going on with the coronavirus. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute and is the person who exp...