5 matches found for category 'Homelessness'
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1m 2s
Bernie Fehon started the CEO Sleepout in 2006 and it's now turned into a movement raising over $49 million for people at risk and experiencing homelessness.
6m 55s
The Centre for Child Development (CCD) is located in Bolgatanga, the capital of the Upper East Region, where high poverty and unemployment rates make it especially hard for young people to gain an education and earn a living. Child homelessness is al...
4m 54s
Get ready for this year's CEO Sleepout! Register now at: www.ceosleepout.org.au
0m 28s
This morning, in the atrium of the Paul VI Hall, as the Vatican City State vaccination program proceeds, a first group of around 25 homeless people permanently housed in the care and residence facilities of the Office of Papal Charities received the ...
1m 52s
Video by Mude: http://mude.com.au/