9 matches found for category 'Addiction'
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28m 29s
Tom Peterson, Founder of Catholics Come Home, interviews a former pharmacy technician who hung around the wrong crowd.
30m 49s
Jeremy Rizer was born into a Lutheran family but only practiced in order to please his mother. He started to drink after his parents separated. Driven by the culture that surrounded him, Jeremy found that drinking helped him talk with girls.
1h 1m
Speaking with host Jonathon Van Maren, veteran anti-porn activist Matt Fradd exposes the real damage porn consumption does not just to the men and especially young boys who watch it but to romantic relationships, marriages, and families.
Davide has been free from drugs for over 23 years. He now helps and gives courage to countless people around the world. He is currently working with Aid to the Church in Need. Support TLCM: www.tlcm.com.mt/support
36m 51s
In today's episode of The Van Maren Show, Gabe Deem joins Jonathon to discuss the negative health impacts of pornography and how porn changes the brain.
26m 12s
At only 9 years of age, Mike Hardin fell into the trap of pornography after coming across his father's collection of pornographic material. The bad example of catholics "only by name" finished off the little faith he had left, and he tu...
5m 56s
This Q & A was recorded on 17 May 2016 from the talk 'What's So Great About Being Catholic?'
Dr Taylor Marshall Phd, founder of the New Saint Thomas Institute discusses Drugs, Marijuana, and Alcohol, providing Catholic teaching on Intoxication.
Two residents at Catholic Charities' Christopher Place Employment Academy in Baltimore describe their addiction recovery journey and the role faith and medicine play.