Word on Fire


Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into or back to the Catholic faith.

Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition, art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.


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13m 21s
Friends, join me in praying for the graduates of the University of St. Thomas in Houston, where I had the great privilege of preaching at their baccalaureate Mass. We must remember that the primary purpose of a Catholic university is evangelization, ...
9m 0s
Bishop Robert Barron says that Fleming Rutledge's book on the Crucifixion is one of the best theology books he has read in the last ten years. Part 2
37m 12s
Friends, some Catholics in America today are increasingly vocal in their attacks on the Second Vatican Council-an ecumenical council of the Church summoned and presided over by the successor of Peter. How should we understand this disturbing trend? ...
1m 0s
Friends, Volume I of The Word on Fire Bible will be available on June 15th.
13m 51s
Friends, in our first reading today, Solomon finds that all the power and wealth of the world are nothing compared to the gift of wisdom-seeing life from the perspective of God. Although this gift seems to help one further amass wealth, in today'...
11m 12s
Bishop Barron talks about the hard passages of the bible that many non catholics use to attack the faith and many catholics struggle with.
11m 3s
Bishop Barron talks about his experience speaking at the Atlanta Eucharistic Congress and its striking way of representing the Church's belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
8m 36s
Bishop Barron comments on brutal beheading of the 22 christians in Libiya by ISIS and how it shows the still startling power of the cross.
13m 25s
Friends, power and honor, in and of themselves, are not a bad thing, but we wreak havoc when we ask for them in the wrong spirit. When we beseech the Lord with our desires, let us ask for what God wants for us rather than what our egos have determine...
26m 45s
Friends, as I prepare to depart Santa Barbara, my heart is filled with so much gratitude. I am grateful to the good people of this beautiful region and to Archbishop Gomez for entrusting it to my pastoral care. Leading up to the farewell Mass, I let ...
15m 29s
Bishop Barron will return with all new sermons (and a new set!) in time for December 3, the First Sunday of Advent. Friends, there's a great temptation for us to turn the Lord into a distant spiritual entity or a difficult moral taskmaster. We ...
5m 49s
Bishop Barron comments on Greek philosopher, Aristotle's point that friendships endure as long as the two fall in love, not just with eachother, but together with a transcendent third, a good that lies beyond the two of them.
5m 58s
Friends, Volume I of The Word on Fire Bible will be available on June 15th. Join the waiting list at https://www.wordonfire.org/bible to make sure you are the first to know when it is released.
15m 16s
Friends, all three of our readings for the Second Sunday of Lent emphasize the transcendent world, the goal of all our religious striving. St. Paul speaks of how the Lord Jesus "will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body."...
13m 51s
Friends, this Sunday's Gospel reveals, in miniature, the whole of the Christian spiritual life. Up until this point in the narrative, Jesus' ministry involved a small, select group who closely followed him. Now, however, he breaks through our...
8m 33s
if you're a bit tired of the dreary secularism that dominates so much of contemporary entertainment and politics, I might invite you to watch a program that makes religion-and Christianity in particular-the central theme. Visit http://wordonfire....
13m 47s
Friends, Christ is risen from the dead, and heaven and earth have collided! Despite this grand, reorienting truth, our culture seems to miss the point of the Resurrection. The world tries to domesticate Easter, but this is impossible. There's no ...
7m 37s
'The Shack' has become an international phenomenon, sitting atop The New York Times bestseller list for months and now inspiring a blockbuster movie.
3m 18s
Friends, there is a suspicion of Vatican II from both the "left" and the "right" in the Church. Some think that the Church should be constantly open to revolution and change. Others believe that the Church should turn backward and...