Word on Fire


Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into or back to the Catholic faith.

Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition, art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.


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13m 58s
Friends, this Sunday, we hear the story of the woman caught in adultery from the eighth chapter of John. Ren Girard thought that this story was particularly clear in showing the dynamics of what he called the scapegoating mechanism. And in the respon...
14m 56s
Friends, Jesus tells us his messiahship is one of service, not self-interest. As sinners, we have a tendency to understand our religious lives in a self-interested way, but the grace God gives us is meant to be given away. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube ...
13m 40s
Blaise Pascal said, All of humanitys problems stem from mans inability to sit quietly in a room alone. This Pascalian mot has come to my mind a good deal in recent days as our entire country goes into shutdown mode due to the coronavirus. Perhaps we ...
2m 40s
Friends, ever since I was a young man and throughout my academic career, my touchstone has always been the great St. Thomas Aquinas. I hold to an 'open Thomism,' one that welcomes Augustinianism, Bonaventurian thought, and contemporary thinke...
4m 10s
I sent my Word on Fire team out into the city of Rome to ask young people their thoughts about faith, the Church, and Jesus. Their answers should impress upon us the urgent need to share the Tradition, redouble our evangelization efforts.
7m 42s
Bishop Barron comments on the gospel reading of christmas day and how it is the hinge upon which all Christianity turns.
14m 3s
Friends, the spiritual life begins with an invasion of grace out of God's sheer, unmerited love. As we direct our lives toward this light, we become more aware of our sin. In acknowledging our sin and surrendering to grace, we are purified, and s...
3m 5s
Merry Christmas from the entire Word on Fire team! We hope the celebration of Christmas is rekindling a joy in your heart and a renewed passion for sharing your faith with others. ---WATCH--- Subscribe to this Channel: https://bit.ly/31LV1sn W...
10m 50s
This year marks the 500 year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, which is decidedly the greatest split in Christian Church history. Here, Bishop Barron explains how Catholicism gestures to the Reformers by celebrating the primacy of grace but ...
12m 18s
Friends, I wanted to share with you this clip from a special livestream conversation with the members of the Word on Fire Institute. In this video, I talk about the phenomenon of conspiracy theories, the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church,...
9m 7s
Bishop Barron says that one of the temptations of the post-modern world is to see Jesus as one spritual guru among many. But that's repugnant to the logic of the New Testament.
13m 26s
Friends, we continue our reading of the marvelous Sermon on the Mount. We cannot read this sermon as one ethical teaching among many. Everyone from Plato and Aristotle all the way up through Kant and Hegel have a moral philosophy-an understanding of ...
29m 6s
Friends, there are thousands of religions out there. So, why think Christianity is the right one? And why Catholic Christianity in particular? On today's episode of "The Word on Fire Show," Brandon Vogt and I discuss these challenges...
14m 17s
Friends, when our heart belongs to anything in this world, we live in an empty and lifeless spiritual space. But when our heart belongs to the Lord, the rest of our life falls into right order around that center. Our readings this week raise a crucia...
14m 6s
Friends, the ensemble of this world that God has made is good, and we're meant to enjoy it; however, we hunger for something that transcends this world. Christ is the only good that can satisfy us. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch ever...
13m 23s
Friends, our readings this weekend have to do with biblical anthropology-or who we are in the presence of God-and the Christian understanding of marriage. A basic intuition of the Bible is that we begin not with the individual, but with community. An...
18m 19s
Friends, I recently offered Mass at St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center at Minnesota State University in Mankato. What a blessing it was. The enthusiasm and energy of the students was inspiring, and we were surrounded by the saints-our Blessed Mot...
8m 25s
Friends, many years ago, in the context of a high school religion class, a very wise Benedictine nun gave me a template for understanding Advent that I've never forgotten. It is simply that Advent calls to mind three "comings" of Christ...
12m 52s
Friends, as we come toward the end of the liturgical year, we begin to look at the apocalyptic writings in the Bible. What's revealed is the breaking down of all the frames of reference that we use to understand our lives. Because of the Resurrec...
13m 15s
Friends, I'm going to be blunt with you: today's Gospel is really challenging. It cuts right to the heart of the ethical implications of the Gospel. There's something of a "be all, end all" quality about Jesus, something of an e...