Word on Fire


Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into or back to the Catholic faith.

Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition, art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.


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13m 33s
Friends, a couple years ago, there was a poll conducted in Great Britain that revealed that the majority of people there feel that Jesus was not a real, historical figure, but rather more of a mythic character. There are all kinds of spiritual system...
13m 31s
Friends, whenever we give or receive a gift, we're always caught in a difficult rhythm of exchange and mutual obligation. The great exception to this rule is God, who is utterly gratuitous in his giving. But in Luke's Sermon on the Plain, we ...
13m 29s
Friends, in this Sunday's Gospel, we encounter the infinite, extravagant, radical love of the Creator for his creation. Jesus paints for us, in three parables, a portrait of God: he is, if I can borrow that lovely phrase from Catherine of Siena, ...
12m 2s
Bishop Barron comments on the holy spirit and his favourite bible passage fo all time.
14m 19s
Friends, on this Gaudete Sunday, we are called to rejoice! Detach yourself from the anxieties of the world and live in the peace and joy of Christ. Watch the Spanish version here: https://youtu.be/1IzEnVlw__c SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to ...
8m 13s
Bishop Barron comments on the idea that freedom has grown so much that it now threatens religion.
41m 43s
If you aren't familiar with the sweeping story of salvation, the 'theo-drama,' you won't fully grasp any particular part of the story. Today, Bishop Barron unveils the five acts of the biblical drama: Creation, the Fall, the formation...
31m 48s
We're all hyper-distracted, pulled in so many directions from our phones, to TV, to social media. We're plagued by notifications, texts, pings, and alerts. Why do we put up with all these distractions? How can we avoid them? Bishop Barron sha...
9m 7s
In Pope Francis' new exhortation, 'Amoris Laetitia,' he wants the truths regarding marriage, sexuality, and family to be unambiguously declared. But he also wants the Church's ministers to reach out in mercy and compassion to those wh...
1m 2s
Friends, the Word on Fire Institute Scholarship Program application is now open! Beginning in January, seminarians, postulants, and novices will be able to take part in the Institute Scholarship Program where they will be formed by some of the bes...
8m 36s
Referencing the mystical prayers of St. Catherine of Siena, Bishop Robert Barron reminds us that 'thou' is meant to be a more familiar and intimate form of the second person pronoun, 'you'. So, it is with this affection we are to addr...
7m 46s
The new film, "Arrival", meditates on the possibility of humans communicating with a higher intelligence. Drawing upon this motif, Bishop Barron reflects on God's distinctive manner of communication and the process by which we come to u...
1m 40s
Friends, St. John Henry Newman said, "Man is not sufficient for his own happiness; he is not happy except the Presence of God be with him." God desires to share his life with us, and so meets us-really, truly, and substantially-through H...
13m 53s
Bishop Barron will return with all new sermons (and a new set!) in time for December 3, the First Sunday of Advent. Friends, there's only one real sadness in life-not to be a saint. But what does it mean to follow this path of righteousness? To...
10m 41s
Bishop Barron comments on three elements of the legacy of Mother Angelica, founder of Eternal Word Television Network, whose influence has not diminished even after those who mocked her have faded away.
9m 42s
Bishop Robert Barron says he thought the movie would leave us unsure about the resurrection, but he was delightfully surprised to see how robustly Christian the film is - no nonsense about a "spiritual resurrection".
13m 18s
Friends, Happy New Year's Day! We come today to the beginning of a new liturgical year-the First Sunday of Advent. There is a sort of a permanent Advent quality, a vigil quality, to the Christian life. We are waiting, watching; we want something ...
26m 40s
With the beginning of Lent right around the corner, Bishop Barron talks about this ancient period of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for Easter, and offer several recommendations on how to have a more spiritually powerful Lent.
8m 38s
Bishop Barron comments on his two week tour of England and the religious culture in English.