Word on Fire


Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into or back to the Catholic faith.

Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition, art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.


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4m 46s
Merry Christmas, friends! On this blessed day, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for accompanying us in our mission of evangelization. ---WATCH--- Subscribe to this Channel: https://bit.ly/31LV1sn Word on Fire Institute Channel: htt...
13m 25s
Friends, our readings today center around the familiar biblical theme of sheep and shepherding. Both human and divine, it is Jesus who has come to lead us, walking in front of his people, alongside us, and behind us as both the God of Israel and the ...
14m 47s
Friends, with these fabulous readings for the sixth Sunday of Easter, we discover an embarrassment of riches through the exploration of God's care and concern for us. In this sermon, I delve into these marvelous texts and explicate three fundamen...
13m 40s
Friends, we have the privilege of continuing to read from the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus himself lays out his basic teaching. What we find today is Jesus as the new Moses. Like Moses, he goes up on a mountain, and he receives and then gives a n...
7m 23s
Scott Derickson's new film, "Doctor Strange", has received rave reviews for its special-effects, its compelling story-telling, and the quality of its actors, but I would like to focus on the spirituality implicit in it. Dr. Strange is f...
13m 46s
Friends, at the heart of what St. Ignatius of Loyola teaches in the "Spiritual Exercises" is the idea of detachment. If we are to do the will of God, then we have to become detached from the worldly goods to which we are addicted. A basic p...
12m 9s
Merry Christmas, friends! As you gather today with family and friends, it is likely that someone, at some point, will bring in a newborn. And everybody will want to see the baby. The whole room will stop whatever they are doing to see this child. The...
8m 53s
Many films over the years have featured the character of the 'monster-mentor,' the tough elder who pushes a directee onto excellence. If we see the value of this in regard to other fields though, shouldn't we see it in regard to the spiri...
13m 29s
Friends, we've all hit points in which we felt we could not go on spiritually, physically, or mentally. In the Gospel today, Christ declares himself the bread that has come down from heaven. If you want to live in the eternal realm, you must eat ...
15m 47s
Find more videos at http://WordOnFire.org. Cardinal Francis George, who died last week at the age of 78, was a man of enormous accomplishment and influence. Through his determination, pastoral devotion, deep intelligence, and kindness of heart, he me...
3m 16s
Friends, the "Evangelization & Culture" journal from the Word on Fire Institute keeps getting better and better. There are so many great articles in this season's issue on Scripture, including a piece from N.T. Wright, an interview from...
36m 11s
Kids ask the best questions, and today Bishop Barron responds to many from around the world.
13m 39s
Friends, as we continue now our reading of the Gospel of Luke, we have today a great portrait of the Church-what the Church looks like, what its central concerns are, and what the demands upon it are. The setting is Jesus sending out seventy-two disc...
1m 40s
Friends, we live in a culture that, as Cardinal Francis George said, "permits everything and yet forgives nothing." And so people despair of being forgiven and feel compelled to deny their guilt. Yet the desire for reconciliation is e...
12m 35s
Friends, there are a lot of people claiming to be spiritual gurus, teachers, and guides today. But is the person to whom you've entrusted your life spiritually blind? Whom are you going to follow, and why? Toward the end of Luke's Sermon on t...
13m 3s
Friends, today on this marvelous Solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin, we celebrate Mary's Assumption, body and soul, into heaven. But this does not mean that she has gone away; she is a warrior, involved in the struggle against evil from a ...
15m 6s
Friends, here is my homily from Ash Wednesday Mass today with the students at St. Bonaventure High School in Ventura, CA. I wish you all a blessed Lent. #AshWednesday
1m 29s
Friends, "The Holy Hour: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration" is a beautiful devotional book meant to help draw readers toward the mysterious silence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. A Holy Hour is simply a sustained, uninterrupted ...
10m 32s
Friends, no indication whatsoever is given in Scripture that the moral prescriptions are somehow more important than the liturgical prescriptions. Being a good person is not enough-it's crucially important to be aligned to God in his divine splen...