Word on Fire


Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into or back to the Catholic faith.

Word on Fire is evangelical; it proclaims Jesus Christ as the source of conversion and new life. Word on Fire is Catholic; it utilizes the tremendous resources of the Roman Catholic tradition, art, architecture, poetry, philosophy, theology, and the lives of the saints in order to explain and interpret the event of Jesus Christ.

Word on Fire Catholic Ministries exists to draw people into the body of Christ, which is the Church, and thereby give them access to all the gifts that Jesus wants his people to enjoy. To be most effective in this mission, Word on Fire places an emphasis and urgency on the use of contemporary forms of media and innovative communication technologies.


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0m 57s
Friends, in this video I describe the theologian who most influenced Vatican II, besides those in attendance at the council. His writings on the development of doctrine, his focus on history, and his missionary impulse were all important contribution...
13m 20s
Friends, we come to the great feast of Christ the King, which is always the last Sunday of the liturgical year. Think of the king coming at the end of a long procession into his palace; this is Christ the King at the end of the great procession of th...
1m 22s
Friends, Advent is the liturgical season of vigilance or, to put it more mundanely, of waiting. During the four weeks prior to Christmas, we light the candles of our Advent wreaths and put ourselves in the spiritual space of the Israelite people ...
6m 52s
The Way of a Pilgrim, whose author is unknown to us, concerns a man from mid-nineteenth century Russia who found himself deeply puzzled by St. Paul's comment in first Thessalonians that we should "pray unceasingly." How, he wondered, am...
10m 53s
Bishop Barron comments on John Greens novel and its film adaptation. John Green reflects and shapes the inchoate, eclectic faith found among younger people today.
1m 54s
Friends, I was honored to record a short reflection for an assembly of youth ministers serving the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The heart of my message is universal for anyone working with young people: the faith must not be watered down. It must rath...
12m 45s
Bishop Barron talks about evangalising with the hearts of shepards which is closely alligned with the central teaching of pope francis and the new evangalisation focus of the two previous popes.
14m 3s
Friends, the Books of Moses teach that the three types of Israelite law-liturgical law, ritual law, and moral law-shape and direct God's people toward holiness and purity. While the liturgical laws have been carried over and the ritual laws large...
1m 48s
Friends, this beautiful collection includes the "Spiritual Exercises" of St. Ignatius; a selection of poems from Gerard Manley Hopkins, introduced and annotated by Dr. Holly Ordway; and a selection of letters by the great Jesuit missionary ...
14m 27s
Friends, the book of Job is one of the most profound and most challenging books in the entire Bible. In today's reading, we see that God does not hand-wave away Job's suffering. Rather, the Lord places profound hurt and heartache in an infini...
13m 30s
Bishop Barron will return with all new sermons (and a new set!) in time for December 3, the First Sunday of Advent. Friends, Christ is the King of all things. His rule is characterized not by totalitarianism or despotism, but rather by loving kindn...
13m 43s
Friends, when we are baptized, we are grafted onto Christ, who has anointed us all as priests, prophets, and kings. Let's live out that identity. Watch the Spanish version here: https://youtu.be/R8NrZEQur0A SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel t...
35m 41s
One day in 1961, the famous physicist Richard Feynman stepped in front of a Caltech lecture hall and posed this question to a group of undergraduate students: "If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one...
15m 18s
Friends, we come now to one of the most important periods of the liturgical year: Lent. During this time of preparation, the Church asks us to cultivate a deeper friendship with God through prayer, to control and reorder our desires for physical good...
9m 13s
Bishop Barron talks about one of the most pivotal figures in American history, Dr King. He explains why his moral and political views are still applicable today.
1h 7m
Friends, I was honored to present the 2020 Peter Richard Kenrick Lecture at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, delivering an academic paper entitled "Knocking Holes in the Buffered Self: Approaches to the Question of God." Many-especially the you...
8m 51s
Bishop Barron talks about the claim that science is on the verge of explaining everything thus eliminating the possibility of God.
11m 41s
The most recent Pew Study survey indicates that intellectual objections figure prominently when religious drifters are asked why they abandoned their faith. It's time that we teachers, catechists, theologians, apologists, and evangelists do somet...
13m 52s
Friends, the readings for this weekend are tough. Here is the principle behind them, one that is simple to state, but difficult to take in: in a world gone wrong, those who come to us speaking and embodying the truth are going to be opposed. In our f...
1m 10s
Friends, I am delighted to announce the Word on Fire Institute's inaugural conference 'Wonder: A Conference on Faith and Science' https://wonderconference.com. It is an annual opportunity to engage with theologians and other experts on...