97 matches found for category 'Charity'
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During his Angelus address Sept. 22, Pope Francis spoke about the uses of money.
2m 37s
For more than 50 years, Caritas Australia has been working with vulnerable communities around the world to forge a path out of poverty. With your support, we are able to reach where the need is greatest and work together for a just future. Learn mor...
1m 39s
Aid cuts and the withdrawal of funds by International donors have disastrous consequences on healthcare facilities in South Sudan.
4m 10s
Project Compassion, now in its 56th year, is one of the nation's longest running charity campaigns, with its collection boxes becoming an iconic presence in schools and communities across the country during Lent. Learn more about Project Compa...
2m 53s
This Q & A was recorded on 12 November 2018 from the talk: Restore: Your View of Money hosted by The Culture Project.
5m 40s
Father of four, Barry, embodies resilience and strength. Growing up in a tough environment, making mistakes and struggling as a young father, he had to look inside himself to make the right choices for him and his family. Thankfully, Barry and others...
1m 47s
Tawonga is a 10-year-old girl, living with a disability. She lives in a village in northern Malawi in a region plagued by food insecurity and poverty. For most of her life, her parents have struggled to put meals on the table. Tawonga often had to mi...
2m 48s
Gary Pinto lends his music genius and his voice to create 'Walk with me' - a song he wrote for Project Compassion 2020, encouraging us to Go Further, Together.
Martyn Iles thanks ACL supporters for their help in making truth public in 2019. Yet, there is more work to be done. www.acl.org.au/donate19
4m 49s
Sister Stan Therese Mumuni is one of many missionaries in Ghana working to save the lives of vulnerable babies and children, providing them with a loving home, an education and a chance at a full life.
Help Promote the Canberra Declaration on Social Media
1m 51s
Sakun, 32, is a Gond indigenous woman living in a village in central-east India. She developed polio as a child and has difficulty walking. Until now, she has been isolated in her community, unable to earn a living and with no knowledge of support sc...
0m 50s
A short video, which shows your support in Zimbabwe, you can listen to children singing in the Shona language.
Call 13 14 95 or visit donateblood,com.au to help families like the Tait's.
3m 22s
Listen to the story of Halima, a widowed mother of two and the primary carer of her mother living with disability, who fled violence in Myanmar and arrived at a refugee camp with nothing. Learn more about Project Compassion: https://lent.caritas....