Mexican priest shot dead after celebrating Mass
ORIGINAL SOURCE | 6 hours ago
Catholic News Agency

By Eduardo Berdejo

ACI Prensa Staff, Oct 21, 2024 / 17:00 pm

Father Marcelo Pérez of the Mexican Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas was murdered on Saturday, Oct. 19, by unknown assailants. The priest was shot dead after he had finished celebrating Mass and was on his way in his car to continue his pastoral duties.

According to the news site El Heraldo de Chiapas, the crime occurred after the priest had finished celebrating the Eucharist at the church located in the Cuxtitali neighborhood and was heading to the church in the Guadalupe neighborhood when some men riding a motorcycle reportedly shot him.

The murder was condemned by the Mexican Bishops' Conference (CEM by its Spanish acronym) in an Oct. 20 statement, which said the act "not only deprives the community of a dedicated pastor but also silences a prophetic voice that tirelessly fought for peace with truth and justice in the region of Chiapas."

"Father Marcelo Pérez was a living example of priestly commitment to the most needy and vulnerable in society. His pastoral work, characterized by his closeness to the people and his constant support for those who needed it most, leaves a legacy of love and service that will endure in the hearts of all those he touched with his ministry," the CEM wrote.

In its statement, the CEM also expressed its "solidarity and spiritual closeness" to the bishop of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Rodrigo Aguilar Martínez, and to the local Catholic community.

The statement also demands that authorities carry out "an exhaustive and transparent investigation that leads to solving this crime and justice for Father Marcelo Pérez," the implementation of "effective measures to guarantee the safety of priests and pastoral workers," and the redoubling of "efforts to combat the violence and impunity that afflict the region of Chiapas" and the country in general.

This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA's Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.

Article reprinted with permission.