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Are Catholics Right to be Angry

Brian Holdsworth

Sponsor: https://www.fishersnetwork.com Support the channel by visiting https://brianholdsworth.ca My goal with publishing on YouTube has been to try to inspire people to take the claims of the Christianity and the Church, seriously. And why is that? Well, if I'm going to psychoanalyze myself, if I consider the weaker parts of my character, it mig...

Are Catholics Right to be Angry

Are Catholics Right to be Angry
Are Catholics Right to be Angry

Brian Holdsworth

Sponsor: https://www.fishersnetwork.com Support the channel by visiting https://brianholdsworth.ca My goal with publishing on YouTube has been to try to inspire people to take the claims of the Christianity and the Church, seriously. And why is that? Well, if I'm going to psychoanalyze myself, if I consider the weaker parts of my character, it mig...