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This is a Line We Cannot Cross as a Church

Brian Holdsworth

Sponsor: https://www.fishersnetwork.com Support the channel by visiting https://brianholdsworth.ca I had several friends texting me in a state of alarm when they saw the headlines about Fiducia Supplicans. I resolved to read it carefully without watching other commentaries or allowing myself to be overly influenced by the editorializing of others....

This is a Line We Cannot Cross as a Church

This is a Line We Cannot Cross as a Church
This is a Line We Cannot Cross as a Church

Brian Holdsworth

Sponsor: https://www.fishersnetwork.com Support the channel by visiting https://brianholdsworth.ca I had several friends texting me in a state of alarm when they saw the headlines about Fiducia Supplicans. I resolved to read it carefully without watching other commentaries or allowing myself to be overly influenced by the editorializing of others....