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Speak Up For LIFE - Submissions Close Soon

Canberra Declaration

Speak Up For LIFE The Canberra Declaration believe that every baby deserves both care and life. But sadly, in most Australian states, no medical care is required to be provided to children born alive as a result of an abortion. These babies deserve the same rights and medical treatment as any other human being. The Parliamentary Library found,...

Speak Up For LIFE - Submissions Close Soon

Speak Up For LIFE - Submissions Close Soon
Speak Up For LIFE - Submissions Close Soon

Canberra Declaration

Speak Up For LIFE The Canberra Declaration believe that every baby deserves both care and life. But sadly, in most Australian states, no medical care is required to be provided to children born alive as a result of an abortion. These babies deserve the same rights and medical treatment as any other human being. The Parliamentary Library found,...