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A Danger for the Devout Acedia

Catholic Bytes

In this episode we discuss acedia as described by Evagrius of Pontus. We often hear it described as sloth or laziness, but a more accurate understanding is “sadness”, “despondency”, or “despair”. Laziness is a symptom and not the sin itself. Fr. Rob and Fr. Conrad break down the main symptoms of acedia and also how to combat thi...

A Danger for the Devout Acedia

A Danger for the Devout Acedia
A Danger for the Devout Acedia

Catholic Bytes

In this episode we discuss acedia as described by Evagrius of Pontus. We often hear it described as sloth or laziness, but a more accurate understanding is “sadness”, “despondency”, or “despair”. Laziness is a symptom and not the sin itself. Fr. Rob and Fr. Conrad break down the main symptoms of acedia and also how to combat thi...