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Cleiry Solrzano tells her difficult story of migrating from Venezuela to Colombia

Vatican News

A Global Solidarity Fund project seeks to bridge the employment gap that prevents those crossing the border from Venezuela from finding work on Colombian soil. The challenge is to efficiently and systematically link training centers run by religious congregations with companies offering stable employment. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/...

Cleiry Solrzano tells her difficult story of migrating from Venezuela to Colombia

Cleiry Solrzano tells her difficult story of migrating from Venezuela to Colombia
Cleiry Solrzano tells her difficult story of migrating from Venezuela to Colombia

Vatican News

A Global Solidarity Fund project seeks to bridge the employment gap that prevents those crossing the border from Venezuela from finding work on Colombian soil. The challenge is to efficiently and systematically link training centers run by religious congregations with companies offering stable employment. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/...