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You're Not Responsible for Everyone's Happiness

Real Life Catholic

In seeking to please God, we often confuse our level of 'responsibility' with our value in God's eyes. Before you know it, we've taken on all the burdens we can carry and our faith quickly becomes a burdensome list of duties, musts, shoulds, and have to's. Have you experienced this kind of burn-out? Before we can be responsible we must first 'respo...

You're Not Responsible for Everyone's Happiness

You're Not Responsible for Everyone's Happiness
You're Not Responsible for Everyone's Happiness

Real Life Catholic

In seeking to please God, we often confuse our level of 'responsibility' with our value in God's eyes. Before you know it, we've taken on all the burdens we can carry and our faith quickly becomes a burdensome list of duties, musts, shoulds, and have to's. Have you experienced this kind of burn-out? Before we can be responsible we must first 'respo...