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Kerygma - What is Christianity?

Breaking In The Habit

If you met someone who had never heard of Christianity, what would you tell them? It may sound like a hypothetical question, but increasingly, people know little of our faith. Know the faith so that you can proclaim the faith. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https://goo.gl/UoeKWy Twitter: https://goo.gl/oQs6ck Instagram: ...

Kerygma - What is Christianity?

Kerygma - What is Christianity?
Kerygma - What is Christianity?

Breaking In The Habit

If you met someone who had never heard of Christianity, what would you tell them? It may sound like a hypothetical question, but increasingly, people know little of our faith. Know the faith so that you can proclaim the faith. SOCIAL MEDIA: Blog: https://goo.gl/QuB4ra Facebook: https://goo.gl/UoeKWy Twitter: https://goo.gl/oQs6ck Instagram: ...