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Two Minute Tuesday -- What Do You Give Your Time To -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Chris Stefanick

Anne Frank once said, "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." Anne Frank, of all people. In the same way, if you read the writings of the early Christians, you'll see they didn't obsess about the evil that Nero was doing. They paid a lot more attention to the good that God was doing. So what about us-what excuse do we ha...

Two Minute Tuesday -- What Do You Give Your Time To -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Two Minute Tuesday -- What Do You Give Your Time To -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic
Two Minute Tuesday -- What Do You Give Your Time To -- feat. Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Chris Stefanick

Anne Frank once said, "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy." Anne Frank, of all people. In the same way, if you read the writings of the early Christians, you'll see they didn't obsess about the evil that Nero was doing. They paid a lot more attention to the good that God was doing. So what about us-what excuse do we ha...