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Should Catholicism have big-tent approach

Catholic News Service

A black religious sister says church leadership could help address systemic racism if they dialogue with groups they don't 100% agree with. Listen to a related 'Church and Race' podcast episode on this topic at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/church-and-race-episode-6-the-church-and-addressing-racism/id1612718076?i=1000574748775....

Should Catholicism have big-tent approach

Should Catholicism have big-tent approach
Should Catholicism have big-tent approach

Catholic News Service

A black religious sister says church leadership could help address systemic racism if they dialogue with groups they don't 100% agree with. Listen to a related 'Church and Race' podcast episode on this topic at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/church-and-race-episode-6-the-church-and-addressing-racism/id1612718076?i=1000574748775....