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Should Bishops Allow Priests to Offer Mass in Latin? - Bishop Barron on Vatican II

Word on Fire

Friends, when I was rector at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago, we were very supportive of those who wanted to learn the Tridentine Latin Mass. But during training, we emphasized that the goal of the Extraordinary Form is not performance art, but rather a deep and expressive entering into the mystery of Christ's supreme sacrifice. Watch future vide...

Should Bishops Allow Priests to Offer Mass in Latin? - Bishop Barron on Vatican II

Should Bishops Allow Priests to Offer Mass in Latin? - Bishop Barron on Vatican II
Should Bishops Allow Priests to Offer Mass in Latin? - Bishop Barron on Vatican II

Word on Fire

Friends, when I was rector at Mundelein Seminary in Chicago, we were very supportive of those who wanted to learn the Tridentine Latin Mass. But during training, we emphasized that the goal of the Extraordinary Form is not performance art, but rather a deep and expressive entering into the mystery of Christ's supreme sacrifice. Watch future vide...