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Two Minute Tuesday -- A Joyful Life Comes From Knowing You're Loved -- feat. Chris Stefanick

Real Life Catholic

Joy, for a Christian, doesn't come from life going perfectly. Instead, Christian joy comes from knowing you are loved perfectly-even when life is an absolute mess. Life was an absolute mess for the Apostles, wasn't it? After Jesus rose from the dead, they were in hiding, afraid the authorities would kill them, too. Yet they went forth to bring G...

Two Minute Tuesday -- A Joyful Life Comes From Knowing You're Loved -- feat. Chris Stefanick

Two Minute Tuesday -- A Joyful Life Comes From Knowing You're Loved -- feat. Chris Stefanick
Two Minute Tuesday -- A Joyful Life Comes From Knowing You're Loved -- feat. Chris Stefanick

Real Life Catholic

Joy, for a Christian, doesn't come from life going perfectly. Instead, Christian joy comes from knowing you are loved perfectly-even when life is an absolute mess. Life was an absolute mess for the Apostles, wasn't it? After Jesus rose from the dead, they were in hiding, afraid the authorities would kill them, too. Yet they went forth to bring G...