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Living in Revival Each Day - Rethinking Revival and Visitation - An Interview with Dr Barry Chant

Canberra Declaration

Christians often speak of revival - perhaps sometimes without really understanding what the word really means. Dr Barry Chant encourages us to rethink our understanding of revival. Instead, we should see it as something approachable and achievable. In the Bible, the term really means 'to live again'. Revival is New Testament Christianity lived ...

Living in Revival Each Day - Rethinking Revival and Visitation - An Interview with Dr Barry Chant

Living in Revival Each Day - Rethinking Revival and Visitation - An Interview with Dr Barry Chant
Living in Revival Each Day - Rethinking Revival and Visitation - An Interview with Dr Barry Chant

Canberra Declaration

Christians often speak of revival - perhaps sometimes without really understanding what the word really means. Dr Barry Chant encourages us to rethink our understanding of revival. Instead, we should see it as something approachable and achievable. In the Bible, the term really means 'to live again'. Revival is New Testament Christianity lived ...