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Two Minute Tuesday -- If You Can't Change Your Circumstance, Change Your Mind -- ft. Chris Stefanick

Real Life Catholic

When we're going through traffic and someone cuts us off, or when we're late to some event that we're going to-or whatever it is-all these things in daily life attack us and make us lose sight of the big picture. Those are the times we're called to give praise to God so we can get that big picture back. Watch this video where I tell you about a tim...

Two Minute Tuesday -- If You Can't Change Your Circumstance, Change Your Mind -- ft. Chris Stefanick

Two Minute Tuesday -- If You Can't Change Your Circumstance, Change Your Mind -- ft. Chris Stefanick
Two Minute Tuesday -- If You Can't Change Your Circumstance, Change Your Mind -- ft. Chris Stefanick

Real Life Catholic

When we're going through traffic and someone cuts us off, or when we're late to some event that we're going to-or whatever it is-all these things in daily life attack us and make us lose sight of the big picture. Those are the times we're called to give praise to God so we can get that big picture back. Watch this video where I tell you about a tim...