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Seek the Mark of the Spirit - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, Happy Pentecost Sunday! On this great celebration of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, meditating upon the number three will tell us a lot of what we need to know about the Spirit, whose distinctive mark is not oppressive unity, nor conflictual diversity, but unity in diversity. The Church is one Body with many parts, anima...

Seek the Mark of the Spirit - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Seek the Mark of the Spirit - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
Seek the Mark of the Spirit - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, Happy Pentecost Sunday! On this great celebration of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, meditating upon the number three will tell us a lot of what we need to know about the Spirit, whose distinctive mark is not oppressive unity, nor conflictual diversity, but unity in diversity. The Church is one Body with many parts, anima...