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Deep inside Tanzania and Uganda, plans for EACOP cause Creation to mourn

Vatican News

The East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline would be the world's longest heated oil pipeline. But the International Energy Agency has already called for no new fossil-fuel projects. Activists, including Vanessa Nakate, recently visited Pope Francis and received his full support ahead of Laudato si' Week.

Deep inside Tanzania and Uganda, plans for EACOP cause Creation to mourn

Deep inside Tanzania and Uganda, plans for EACOP cause Creation to mourn
Deep inside Tanzania and Uganda, plans for EACOP cause Creation to mourn

Vatican News

The East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline would be the world's longest heated oil pipeline. But the International Energy Agency has already called for no new fossil-fuel projects. Activists, including Vanessa Nakate, recently visited Pope Francis and received his full support ahead of Laudato si' Week.