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Rescued from the Depths - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, on this Fifth Sunday of Easter, we continue our reading of the book of Revelation, leaping ahead toward the very end of the Bible. Looking at the arc of the whole story-from God's creation out of watery chaos in Genesis to the sea disappearing and a new creation emerging in Revelation-we see that God's final and definitive rescue operation...

Rescued from the Depths - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Rescued from the Depths - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
Rescued from the Depths - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon

Word on Fire

Friends, on this Fifth Sunday of Easter, we continue our reading of the book of Revelation, leaping ahead toward the very end of the Bible. Looking at the arc of the whole story-from God's creation out of watery chaos in Genesis to the sea disappearing and a new creation emerging in Revelation-we see that God's final and definitive rescue operation...